
Something New

good morning! we can experience many something new during university student. What do you experience "something New"?

I would like to practice Karate. I`ve played Karate for 8 years. When I was high school I quit this becaues I retire my club. My last game called KOUKOUSOUTAI I didn`t participate because I broke a born. When I entered university I wanted to join Karate club but I did`nt because I played too much. So I became university students I don`t play it. But I want to play again! I want to go to dojo studio someday.


Foreign Country

Good morning! Today is very cold(><) First of all, have you watched American drama called "the OC"? This drama makes film in California Irvain. In this drama it appear on beautiful beach called" Newport Beach" I wanted to go there since I was high school student. Last week, I decided to go abroad next spring where is University of Carifornia Irvain! I can go to the drama`s place. I am exited!!! I have been to America For4 times. But I`ve never been to Irvain. Irvain is the most safest city in US for 7 years. I will enjoy my abroad!


Of course Tokyo is one of the biggerst city in the world. What do you think about this town. Tokyo is wonderful city as you know. I have visited Tokyo many times, but I don`t like well. first of all, everywhere we go to tokyo there are soooo many people. If anything I like country side! But we can touch with many trend things.My brother works in Tokyo since this spring. He always says Tokyo is too crowed. When he goes to his office it is too hard. I have a dream one day I will work Roppongi Hils! I want to be HIRUZUZOKU!!



Autumn is starting. This season can do various things such as eat food read book and more.

By the way, what do you image about autumn? I image school festival. Did you go to kwangaku`s school festival? I went to every day because my circle did refreshment stand and we sold SOBASEN. I am chairperson of circle so I was too tired. Our shop sold 3500 SOBASEN for 4 days. Do you khow about populaly vote? Our circle do 1st of this populaly vote! When it decided champion, I was sooo happy! I can enjoy this autumn!

Yesterday I went to Yoshino-yama in Nara to see colored leaves by motercycle. I went to it with KG touring circle it called "Today". They took part in 15 motercycles yesterday`s touring. In Yoshino-yama it didn`t do colored leaves. But on the way to Yoshino-yama we could enjoy and safety touring. I drove about 14 hours so I`m too tired this morning.(><)

Japanese university

What do you think about Japanese University? I think study is not important well. So what is the most important about japanese University? The answer is so many, there is no correct answer. I think the most important is to expand friends because when we appera socialy it can help myself.


scary story

How are you everyone? I`m soso. I have a cold since last week.
I wanna tell you my scary story.My friend Keisuke lives next to my town. To go to his house it takes 30 minutes by car. Keisuke and I are good friends since junior high schoo so we go to each house twice a week. On the way to his house it cross a moutain pass. I noticed that certain part of road always got wet. I wonder why certain road always got wet. When I see the road carefully, I think the wet look like red. After few weeks later, I read newspaper, I found an article that it is deacovered a dead body. I don`t know why the road always got wet. After read the an article, I have never passed the road. This is my scary story.


Favorite Seasons

What is your favorite seasons? I like each four seasons but my favorite seasons is of course summer. First of all, summer vacation is too long! we can enjoy this season. we can go swmming, hiking, and more. There is a lot of experience to be possible in summer. Acutually in this summer I went to swimming hiking travel.
second, I like to see a sunburn after summer finished. To see a sunburn I feel to play well in this summer.


Summer vacation

Long time no see. How are you? I`m fine.

How about your summer? My summer vacation was so so. Before summer vacation my plan was to go to Hokkaido by motercycle but I did`nt go. Because I did`n have enought money... I want to go Hokkaido next summer.

I always worked every morning to evening. I earned soso. But I didn`t have enought money during summer vacation. Why? I had two reasons. First, I played too much during summer vacation. After my part time job I played or drunk with my friends almost every day. So I spent a lot of money. Second, I bought new motercycle. It cost money unexpectedly. But I`m happy!

The end of August, I went to music festival called "FreedoM" with my college friends. It was reggae music event. I like every artists who appears. I think you did`nt know artists but I had a good time. On the way to home I lost final train... I did`nt go back to my house.

I went to Amanohashidate with my high school friends by motercycle. The day was typoon12... but we went. The weather was fine until afetrnoon but it was hard rainy from afternoon. We were in trouble on the way to home. To derive in rain we felt fearful!


My Summer Vacation

Summer is starting! I like this season all of seasons. This summer I want to do special things. Do

you have this summer`s plan? I have! I am going to go to Hokkaidou by motercycle. First, I will

go to Hukui prefecture where get on a ferry to go to Hokkaidou. Arrive at Hokkaidou I will go to

Abasiri prison. I think that Hokkaidou`s touring alone will give me a lot of experiences. I want to

keep driving all the time. But to do this plan I have to save a lot of money... Please tell me how to

save money!


Difference of Opinion

My junior high school and high school was single sex school so when i entered kwansei gakuin uni, I felt many difference of opinions between boys and girls.

I don`t understand why girl`s shopping is too long. when i went to shopping with girls, she always went various stores but she did`t buy anything. This behavior is too waste i think.

i don`t understand why girls go to restroom with friends. I don`t understand what she do...

because i went to single school so i don`t understand such things.

but yuuka is cute!


these days

What do you spend about this holiday? When sataurday I saw the sights of Kyoto. I have about 10 relative who live Kyoto so I have gone Kyoto for many times, but I weren`t sightseeing very much. I went Kiyomizu temple, Yasaka temple and Kinkaku temple. They are all beautiful. I thought that Japan has a lot of tradition and culture.

When sunday I did part time job all day. I`m very tired in now writing this blog. I cooked too takoyaki I made tako my hand. I will sleep early today for tomorrow. Good night!


Should Japan build more nuclear power plants?

What do you think about nuclear power? As you khow Toukaidou earthquake was serious damege in Tohoku. Especially nuclear power was serious damege. In the world, nuclear power declease, but today Japan depend on nuclear power. In this earthquiake, nuclear power is dangerous. In Tohoku people worry about radiation every day. So Japan won`t depend on nuclear power. we have to change natural enegy.


My Golden Week

What did you do your golden week? My golden week was always to do my part time job. I work transport cafe in highway, I sell TAKOYAKI. Golden week is soooooooooooo busy because many people use transport cafe. If there is an oppotunity please come to my warkplace and to buy takoyaki. Our takoyaki is very delicious. there are 15 store in japan. On a weekend, we sell 700000yen a day. In this season we feel very hot when I cook takoyaki. please come to my shop.


Is the death penalty a good idea?

I think death penalty has good points and bad points. I don`t know plenty of death penalty problem very well so I can say neither.


What I LIke about Japan

Do you like abaut Japan? I like Japan too much because, Japan has the four seasons. The cange of the seasons in quite noticeable in Japan.

When the spring comes, we can drink under the cherry blossome. It is called "OHANAMI". I like OHANAMI very well because I fell to start new season. I did it for three times in this season.

In summer, everybody fell of freedom so I like summer most. We can go swimming, fishing and do BBQ. Summer is given everybody to various memories.

In autoum, we can eat food in season for example chestnut, atsutake, and more... we can feel change of seasons hot to cold. Some people don`t like cold but i like slightly cold.

In winter, my birthday come! we can go skiing and snow bording. Christmus and new year come so I can get money! so I like winter.

That`s why every season has each good points so I like Japan.


Spring Vacation

I went to various places in my spring vacation. For example,Mie (twice times) Kagawa(twice times), Ehime, Tokyo, Gifu ang Guam. I have never been to such various places.

Februaly second, I went to Mie to see night view which name is Nabananosato. There is a huge garden. In the night, it is lighted up and is very beautiful. This is the most beautiful place in my life.

Februaly 5th, I went to Kagawa to eat Udon with my circle members. I always drove 8 hours my car so I was very tired... But Udon was very delicious. We went to beautiful beach. I think the time adovance is slowly in that place.

Februally 13th-16th, I went to Guam with my family to sightseen. This is the most impressive in my spring vacation. In Guam we went shopping and surfing diving and more... I had a signficant time. I was very enjoy.

Februally 19th-20th I went to Gifu to snowbording with my circle`s good rerationship friends. In the 19th I worked my part time job all the day, in the midnight, we daparted to Gifu by friend`s car. On the way to Gifu, I drove all the time I didn`t sleep so I was tired and to hate snowbording.

Other than this I had experieced a lot of things. My spring vacation is very gooood


New Year

A Happy New Year everyone! How did you spend during winter vacation. In my winter vacation, I worked part time job... But I fulled of my vacation.

I have dreams in this year.
First, I will do English my best. Last yaer I wanted to study English very well, but I didn`t do English well. I was sorry myself. So I must study English in this year.
Second, I will take part in my club yet. I want to spred my friends.
Third, I will work part time job moreover. I like to work, because I love my colleague. I work in my local`s parking area.
I want to do my best above my derams!