
Should Japan build more nuclear power plants?

What do you think about nuclear power? As you khow Toukaidou earthquake was serious damege in Tohoku. Especially nuclear power was serious damege. In the world, nuclear power declease, but today Japan depend on nuclear power. In this earthquiake, nuclear power is dangerous. In Tohoku people worry about radiation every day. So Japan won`t depend on nuclear power. we have to change natural enegy.


My Golden Week

What did you do your golden week? My golden week was always to do my part time job. I work transport cafe in highway, I sell TAKOYAKI. Golden week is soooooooooooo busy because many people use transport cafe. If there is an oppotunity please come to my warkplace and to buy takoyaki. Our takoyaki is very delicious. there are 15 store in japan. On a weekend, we sell 700000yen a day. In this season we feel very hot when I cook takoyaki. please come to my shop.